Next Generation Training

We offer a wide range of training programs for both light and heavier aircrafts



The CPL ME/IR Program is for pilots with PPL and completed ATPL-Theory. The training is focused on commercial, instrumental and multi-engine procedure and flight training.


EASA Conversion

The EASA Conversion program aims directly for non-EASA license holders whom have completed a commercial pilot program (FAA or other ICAO country) and wishes to convert his or her Commercial Pilot License to a EASA license.



The ATPL theory course will provide you with the theoretical knowledge required to work as a commercial pilot in Europe. The training includes 9 months of full time ATPL-theory classroom studies followed by theoretical exams in all 14 subjects.



The APS MCC (Airline Pilot Standard, Multi Crew Co-operation) course has been designed by EASA to further enhance multi crew skills in an airline environment.


Flight Instructor (FI)

The Flight Instructor course (FI) prepares you for the role as a flight instructor. Being a Flight Instructor is one of the most rewarding careers you can have in aviation and makes you an even more experienced and proficient pilot along the way.

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